Thursday 3 January 2013

Don Bosco

In view of the visit of the relics of St John Bosco to Britain, the following might prove interesting:

St John Bosco is remembered as a man who dedicated his life to the service of abandoned young people. Over 150 years ago he challenged the way young people were treated in the desperate poverty that existed at that time in the city of Turin, Italy. He was driven by first-hand experience of the effects of dreadful poverty and hunger on the young people he came across, he was determined to change their condition. Others were inspired to follow him in responding to the needs of the young. John Bosco created an order in the Catholic Church, called the Salesians. They were founded in the poverty of a city we consider to be one of the most prosperous in the world today.

The situation today

Poverty, hardship and hunger are nothing new, not least for young people. However, most of Europe has improved beyond all recognition since the Industrial Revolution. St John Bosco would be pleased at the progress that has been made. But as we approach the millennium, there are still so many young people in poverty, both material and spiritual, even in Europe but especially in other parts of the world – those largely untouched by the progress we know in our continent. It is the privilege of the Salesians founded by Don Bosco to continue his work for young people who are poor, wherever they may be.


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