Monday 28 January 2013

S. Petri Nolasci Confessoris ~ III. classis

From divinumofficium:

V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
Deus, qui in tuæ caritátis exémplum ad fidélium redemptiónem sanctum Petrum Ecclésiam tuam nova prole foecundáre divínitus docuísti: ipsíus nobis intercessióne concéde; a peccáti servitúte solútis, in coelésti pátria perpétua libertáte gaudére:
Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre, in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum.
R. Amen.

Pro S. Agneti secundo
Deus, qui nos ánnua beátæ Agnetis Vírginis et Martyris tuæ sollemnitáte lætíficas: da, quaesumus; ut, quam venerámur officio, étiam piæ conversatiónis sequámur exémplo.
Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum, Filium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum.
R. Amen.

V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
O God, You Who, as an example of Your love, divinely taught St. Peter to enrich Your Church with new offspring, a family of Religious devoted to the ransom of the faithful, grant by his intercession, that we may be released from the slavery of sin and rejoice in lasting freedom in heaven.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end.
R. Amen.

Let us pray.
O God, You Who gladden us each year by the feast of blessed Agnes, Your Virgin and Martyr, grant us, we beseech You, that as we honor her by these sacred rites, we may follow her example of a holy life.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end.
R. Amen.

From the Office of Matins:

Lectio 3
Petrus Noláscus, Recáudi prope Carcasónam in Gállia nóbili génere natus, adoléscens paréntibus orbátus, Albigénsium hæresim éxsecrans, divéndito património, in Hispániam secéssit, ubi noctu oránti beáta Virgo appárens, Fílio suo sibíque acceptíssimum fore suggéssit, si ordo religiosórum instítuerétur pro captívis ab infidélium tyránnide liberándis. Quare una cum sancto Raymúndo de Péñafort et Iacóbo primo, rege Aragóniæ, de eádem re a Dei Genitríce ipsa nocte præmónitis, religiónem beátæ Maríæ de Mercéde redemptiónis captivórum instítuit; sodálibus quarto voto obstríctis, manéndi in pignus sub paganórum potestáte, si pro Christiánis liberándis opus esset. Angeli Custódis ac Deíparæ Vírginis apparitiónibus sæpe recreátus, cum ad bonam senectútem pervenísset, piíssime óbiit média nocte Vigíliæ Nativitátis Dómini, anno millésimo ducentésimo quinquagésimo sexto.

Reading 3
Peter Nolasco, born of a noble family at Recaudun near Carcassonne in France, was bereaved of his parents in his youth. Loathing the heresy of the Albigenses, he divided his patrimony and went to Spain. There, as he was praying one.night, the Blessed Virgin appeared to him and suggested that it would be most pleasing to her Son and to herself to have a religious order founded for the purpose of freeing those taken captive in the power of unbelievers. And so, together with St. Raymund of Pennafort and James I, king of Aragon, who had been told the same thing by the Mother of God on the very same night, he established the Order of Our Lady of Mercy for the redemption of captives, the members taking a fourth vow to remain as hostages in the power of pagans if this were needed to free Christians. He was often cheered by apparitions of his guardian Angel and of the, Virgin Mother of God; and when he had. attained a good old age, he died a holy death in the middle of the night of the Vigil of Christmas, in the year 1256

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