Saturday 2 July 2011

The devil is abroad in Austria.

The video clip below, from Gloria TV shows the most ghastly liturgical abuses in the parish of Vienna Südstadt. We also learn from the blog of Andrea Tornielli that more than 250 Austrian priests have signed a petition demanding that women be admitted to the priesthood. It was a year ago that 80% of Austrian clergy showed themselves in agreement with the abolition of a celibate priesthood.

The devil has a razor-sharp intellect and he knows that the best way to attack the Church is from within. We know, of course, that the Church will never fall but it seems to me that we are witnessing an upheaval similar to that of the 16th century; certainly I have never seen the Church so split on so many issues. We must all unite ourselves to the Holy Father's New Evangelization with the renewal of the liturgy at its vanguard.  The goings on in parishes like this one in Austria do so very much to harm Christ's Mystical Body.

1 comment:

Recorder said...

Would you mind posting a link to our blog:

God bless,

St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association